How was your weekend? Hope all of you enjoy long, 4-days-weekend. Hail to Martin Luther King Jr!!! I went to the Leo Carrillo Beach with several friends. It was a trip. Phew. I've been through many emotional prisms so deeply and it's kinda tiresome. It's not a new thing but still it's always unfamiliar to me. I cannot handle it properly. Music, Literature, Art and cigarettes have been always good companion for me and here is another lyric by Cocore, one of the pioneers of Korean Indie music. Songs are magnificent and so beautiful cause melody(or music) and lyric(or literature) are combined into one single song. This song has such a beautiful lyric which fits perfectly into the melody. I translated. I wish I did well.
너는 커피 너는 음악 너는 담요속의 낮잠
You are coffee, you are music, you are a nap in the blanket
너는 축제 너는 가을비 너는 멋진 시와 들꽃
You are a festival, you are autumn shower, you are beautiful poem and wild flower
오직 나에게만 종소리같은 노랠 들려주오
Sing only to me, sing the song like chimes of bells
오직 나에게만 그 꿈 속 같은 그림을 그려주오
Paint a picture only to me, a picture like the dream
너무도 아름다운 사람 계절을 평온하게 해
Such a beautiful person, relaxing the season
너는 눈부신 햇빛 한가로운 숲 속의 소풍
You are bright sunshine, calm picnic in the woods
나는 세상 밑에 있어도 더 높이 갈 수 있네
I can go higher even though I am beneath the world
저 언덕 위에로
Over the hill
너는 평화 넓은 초원 너는 고요한 우주
You are peace, vast meadow. You are serene universe
넌 톰소여 넌 인디언 어릴적 나무 위 별장
You are Tom Sawyer, you are indian, tree house of my childhood
오직 나에게만 종소리같은 노랠 들려주오
Sing only to me, sing the song like chimes of bells
오직 나에게만 그 꿈 속 같은 그림을 그려주오
Paint a picture only to me, a picture like the dream
너무도 아름다운 사람 계절을 평온하게 해
Such a beautiful person, relaxing the season
언제나 웃어주는 사람 나를 더 자유롭게 해
Always smiling person, making me free
너는 눈부신 햇빛 한가로운 숲 속의 소풍
You are bright sunshine, calm picnic in the woods
나는 세상 밑에 있어도 더 높이 갈 수 있네
I can go higher even though I am beneath the world
저 언덕 위에로
Over the hill
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