Galaxy Express [Noise On Fire]
: Galaxy Express can be called as an energy which would crash limbs and burst your heart. They compiled that energy into their first album Noise On Fire. The rhythm of hard rock and metallic sound of heavy metal coexist while sound of 산울림SanUlim and 한대수Han Dae Soo is transformed into punk. Their live recording is not perfect yet that does not mean we can ignore the fact that this album was one of the most fanatic syndromes. Galaxy Express proved the charm which only can be attained by rock music.
최우수 록(노래) Best Rock(Song)

Jang Gi Ha 'Cheap Coffee'
: It was difficult to decide the genre of Cheap Coffee. This song has both rock and pop elements yet, groove and method of this song made us to award this song as the best rock song. Self observation and humor rooted from 70-80's Korean rock are well shown in Cheap Coffee. The anxiety of modern youth is humorously narrated and the narration (or rap) between melodies is the most exellent part of this song. Jang Gi Ha provided one good example of controversial issue, "Korean style Rock" and proved the importance of narration which has been disappeard in Korean music scene.
최우수 모던록(음반) Best Modern Rock(Album)

언니네 이발관 [가장 보통의 존재]
Sister's Barbershop [The Most Common Existence]
: The Most Common Existence won the best modern rock album as it will be remembered as a milestone of "Korean style modern rock". Their music is still a "beautiful thing" with sorrowful shinpa and sweet-bitter lyrics.
최우수 모던록(노래) Best Modern Rock(Song)

Sister's Barbershop 'A Beautiful Thing'
: The beauty of this song is a overthrow of lovesongs. It captures tiny cracks happening in our daily life. This song sings about love departing from conventional ideas. It sees love without fantasy and bravely talks about break-ups. This song also can be viewed as not only the ultimate completion of Sister's Barbershop-style modern rock but also the best tune of Korean modern rock.
To be continued in part 3.
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