최우수 팝(음반) Best Pop(Album)

Kim Dong Ryul [Monologue]
: In Monologue, after 4 year long break, Kim adapted every elements of ballad yet added some musical components from other genre. By this way, he could portray refined sentiment. Recording live orchestration or using simple rock sound, this album suggest the way 21st century ballad should sound. Besides that, Kim's stable vocal and attractive melody is hard to refuse. Based on good melody, Kim built up perfect communication with listeners. Every track in this album has been loved by public.
최우수 팝(노래) Best Pop(Song)

Toy 'Hot Goodbye'
: Kids from 90's welcomed this song colored with New Wave sound from 80's. Meanwhile for kids from the current decade(2000's), this song was fresh new pop song. Toy filled up the gap between generations. Some ran to the record shop and contributed to the "record-buying" syndrome and some sat in front of TV and nodded their head for the song winning the first place of TV music show. Vocal Lee Ji Hyung was the finest pick since Toy viewed Hongdae as a pop scene not as an large-scale alternative scene. (Hongdae is a center of underground culture in Seoul, South Korea and Lee Ji Hyung is an artist based on Hongdae)
최우수 댄스&일렉트로닉(음반) Best Dance&Electronic(Album)

W&Whale [Hardboiled]
: W was used to be a band named Where The Story Ends somewhat long and with deep meaning. When this band suddenly changed their name to W, we could expect change of their music also. Their choice was mating with well refined pop style so as to more listeners would understand their music. They accomplish a success with this album Hardboiled. With new vocalist, Whale, they could attain characteristic vocal representing the band. Their sound can be called as an evolution of Korean pop based on electronic sound and house, new wave, modern rock and even R&B. Three songs at the beginning, 'Brother is Back', 'Stardust' and 'Morning Star' are the brightest moment of ths album
최우수 댄스&일렉트로닉(노래) Best Dance&Electronic (song)

: With unforgettable rhythm hook and stylish electronic composition of this song, W should be well appreciated for their musical sense. R.P.G Shine also played the center role of the album, Hardboiled which won the Best Dance&Electronic Album of the year. Since Korean Dance&Electronic scene was polarized into pop idol dance music and club sound led by DJs, W&Whale succeeded to compromise popularity and musical sincerity.
Best HipHop and R&B Soul winners will be on part 4!
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